Vinson High School

Class of 1958

Huntington, West Virginia



Welcome Class of "58"

"Home of the Vinson Tigers"

    You are invited to visit with us and share the warmth and love that radiate from the class of "58".  We have been told we are very special but we are just an average by-product of a special little community called "Westmoreland". 

    Westmoreland has always taken care of it's small area of West Huntington.  Our parents have actively participated in the school programs both physically and financially always working together to get the job done.

    "Community Pride": That is the slogan that has been passed down for years.  "We are the Tigers - the mighty, mighty, Tigers everywhere we go, people want to know who we are so we tell them." Yes indeed we are a special class with special members.  Just to let you know we were West Virginia State Football Champions both in our Junior (1957) and Senior (1958) years.  What fantastic memories these are for the whole community!

    Our life achievement goals have not only been met they have been exceeded!  Our members have earned higher education degrees and working experiences with a variety of occupations such as:

  • Secret Service Agent to the President of the United States
  • Judge
  • Doctors
  • Teachers
  • Engineers
  • Medical Technicians
  • Plant Managers
  • Electricians
  • Sales Managers
  • Ministers
  • And the list goes on...

Talk about good people - most of us know the Lord and live good lives that are pleasing to Him.

    What a proud heritage has gone forth from this class of "58".  A portion has remained and the other portion can't wait to revisit any chance we get.  Enjoy your website visit and come again often!



The handsome home of the Vinson family, on Piedmont Road, later became a grade school.  Finally the building was razed becoming the "Den" of the Huntington Vinson High School "Tigers"


The "new" Vinson High School opened in 1952 or 1953 along Piedmont Road. Students moved to the new building from the old high school building along Hughes Street, a few blocks east and one street south. This building served as Vinson High School until the school consolidated with Ceredo-Kenova and Buffalo high schools to form Spring Valley High School in 1998. This building is now serving as Vinson Middle School.